FAQ On Shopping For Electric Gate Clickers
11/10/2013 Back To BlogWhile many homes still have manually-operated gates, more and more homes today are slowly switching to electric or automatic gate clicker systems because they are more convenient to operate, and are easy to use as well. But before you begin purchasing these residential gate opener systems, take a look these helpful FAQ's, so you'd be properly guided on shopping for the right home driveway gate opener system.
What System Would You Prefer?
When shopping for automated gate remote program systems today, you should know that these variants come in different formats - sliding, swinging or rolling gate types. Regardless of whether your home has a single or double gate, the operating systems for these will be quite different.
What Measurements Should You Do Before Buying Electric Gate Systems?
Before buying and installing multicode remote systems, make sure you carefully do your measurements. Use a tape measure and pencil, to determine the dimensions of your driveway. All remote gate systems have specific length and weight capacities; thus you need to carefully read the operator's guidebook or manual, and do not just buy one because you feel like they're the “right one”.
What Amount of Power Will Your Automated Gate System Use?
Most electric driveway (and gate opener installation) systems today utilize a low-voltage DC power systems. Some systems utilize 100 volts; thus homeowners need to ensure that they get the right one for their residences because their power or voltage requirements may differ. Also remember low-voltage electronic systems are perhaps the easiest and most convenient to use, especially if you want to set it up yourself.
And while some automatic gates today are reliant on electric power, some systems already run on solar power. Low-voltage battery systems will still require some amount of electricity, to keep the remote control and control panel's boxes fully charged.
These are some of the many helpful facts to consider when deciding to purchase automated openers. We hope this would provide consumers with basic knowledge on how to purchase the right system for their homes or business establishments.